Product Review

Using Jawzrsize Everyday for 60 Days In Order to Look More Handsome (Does it Work) – Jack Jenkins


I got this big old flabby jaw like Jabba the hut. You can’t really see it because I hide it underneath this beard. I just wish that one day I could have the neck of Chad.

[Have Snookie throw neck trainer]

Ow… who threw that at me! Is it a rock or…well it looks like my prays have been answered! Either Satan, Jesus or Justin Timberlake has blessed me with this neck exerciser that can be used for your jaw. Soon I will look like you, Ernest Khalimov, you giga Chad meme. Let’s get a strong jawline by using this Amazon device for thirty days. Let’s roll that intro, baby!


If you haven’t already seen my previous video with this device, click on the description below and watch it. I will go into more detail about this device in that video. However, as a quick recap, I purchased this cheap ten-dollar plastic trainer thing on Amazon. I’ll link to the product page below. Within the plastic shell is a spring. You get three different springs of different thicknesses depending on how much resistance you need. The device came in this little bag and a bunch of Q-Tips. The package is cool but I wished there was some information on how many pounds of resistance each of these springs provide. All in all, for the price of a McDonald’s meal, this little plastic neck trainer is a fun to do while sitting and watching Tv. It’s built quality is okay for ten bucks considering it still works to this day about five months later. Albeit with lubing it up every now and again, so the shell doesn’t get stuck.

With the device explained, let’s get into the experiment I will be conducting. Previously I pushed it down with my neck with decent results. Now I will push down the trainer with my jaw to get it nice and sexy. To work it out I will hold the device underneath my chin and open my mouth. [Demonstrate]. I will be doing this for three minutes every day. The daily practice will go on for thirty days with my usual every sixth day off so I can actually leave my house. The goal is to have a better-looking jaw line and for it to grow maybe a few centimeters due to the muscles growing. Before I show you the video, I will say that I originally wanted to shave the beard so you guys could see it better; however, my fiancé said hell no. So the beard stays on for the thirty days. That will hinder your ability to see any muscle growth that may have occurred but as we will talk about soon… there isn’t that much possibility of growth anyways. I also made sure to trim it up for the results part of the video. Without further ado, here is my face before the jaw exerciser:

[JawLine Day 1]

I will show the results of thirty days of non-stop jaw exercising at the end of this video. While you can see me exercising in the background, you can’t see the jaw pain I got after filming. I did the neck exerciser on the hardest spring with zero problems, so I thought it would be fine if I did that here… WRONG! I made it a few rounds before switching to the easiest spring. I did not realize how weak my jaw was, but it makes sense when I think about it. My jaw hurts after five minutes of chewing gum, much less doing something with the real force acting upon it. For the rest of my videos, I switched back and forth between the easy spring and the medium spring to maximize the gains and the pains. But mostly the pains as my jaw line was sore every day after working out. The Masseter Muscle, the muscle in the jaw that I am completely butchering, is one week little baby muscle.

Now the question is, does jaw exercise like the trainer I am using work out the muscles? The answer is yes. While there isn’t anything specific to this device, there is for other jaw exercise devices such as the Jawzrsize, which I will be reviewing as well. According to MedicalNewsToday, “Using Jawzrsize may lead to some enlargement or hypertrophy of the masseter muscles, which are the large chewing muscles at the side of the face.” That sounds perfect and exactly what I needed. Case close, right… well, the rest of the article isn’t so great. The article continues, “While it may help Strengthen the Jaw, it is unlikely to provide other benefits. The chewing, or masticatory, muscles do not tone or rejuvenate the face. They are simply the muscles involved in chewing. Exercising these muscles is not likely to alter a person’s face substantially”.

Well, that kind of sucks. Guess I won’t look like Chad after all. I might just throw this device into the garbage now, right? Well, I wouldn’t. While it looks like exercising the muscles doesn’t alter your face, they do make them stronger. As someone whose jaw hurt after chewing gum, I noticed that I could chew it for longer without getting that jaw pain after the videos. You should be fine if you don’t go overboard in doing it, which can cause TMJ or dislocation. These muscles get enough action in normal life, but if you want to give it a little boost by doing a minute or two of these exercises, then it should be fine. Just don’t expect any results.

Speaking of results, let’s get into mine for this thirty-day challenge.


That single centimeter could be counted as a mismeasurement. Although I did have a larger beard when starting, maybe it’s a growth of about two centimeters. Still, it’s not really face-altering, so what MedicalNewsToday stated in their article is still true. Here is my sheet for this video. As you can see, I did this back in May and June of 2022. You can always download this template and give it a try yourself to replicate my video. I encourage everyone to at least try my challenges as it’s a good way to promote self-improvement and build a community focused on it.

With all this said and the lack of successful results, do I regret doing the challenge and buying the device? The answer is no. It’s a ten-dollar plastic toy which is about the same as a big mac. Honestly, just having an excuse to sit down, relax and watch tv while doing this challenge is a great excuse. I can say that I do recommend doing this challenge, just not going overboard and staying away from the harder spring. I have the link to the device in my description below.

So, guys, that is it for today’s video. Please give this video a big thumbs up if you like it. In fact, go through all of my videos and give them all a big thumbs up for the YouTube Algorithm. Please subscribe to the YouTube channel to see more of my videos. I do stuff on the topic of self-improvement. That includes product reviews, Fitness challenges, learning skills, and more. I put out a new video every Friday, so watch that when they release. Follow me on Twitter @truejackjenk. Visit my website at Lastly, have a fantastic day, everyone! All you guys watching are just so amazing!