Fitness Games Reviews Ring Fit Adventure

Ring Fit Adventure Round 5 (Finally get to beat Dragaux in the end)


It’s time to battle! For years, we let the scum Dragaux destroy the land of Fitness with his tremendous muscles. Well, we had enough. For Round 5, I finally have a face-off with the big man himself. Dragaux is going down like Donkey Kong! What’s going on, everybody! My name is Jack Jenkins, and welcome to my Youtube Channel. I do product reviews, challenges, and reviews of Fitness video games. Today I begin my challenge and beat what I consider the best fitness game of all time, Ring-Fit Adventure. It’s time to face off against the boss man. Play that intro:

[Fitness game review intro]

Let’s start off by saying that this game is fantastic. I have played for five rounds now. That is one-hundred and fifty days of playing every day for thirty days. I am still not tired of the game either. Even as I finished my fifth playthrough, I was having a blast.  I found the story unique, the characters endearing, and the gameplay loop of running, stopping to beat some monsters and go back to running engaging. I am currently doing a month of playing shovelware fitness games for just a week each, and some of these games can’t hold my attention for three days. That is a testament to the fantastic game designers and developers over at Nintendo.

Now let’s get to what everyone wants to hear, beating the game. To start off, I wanted to go back and exceeded all of the side missions and levels up to this point. I did so by going back to world twenty-one, where I had a few assignments left. It was a few of the battle gyms and some of the option levels. I like to save the battle gyms for last later on so that way you can just quickly destroy the competition with a few moves. Easy peasy.

Once I beat all of world twenty-one, I went back to world twenty-two, which I left off in my previous video. To quickly recap, dragaux ate the four masters to gain control of their powers. Yeah, I know it’s kind of gross. What’s also weird is I guarantee you there are vore drawings of Allegra and dragaux. Yikes! Thanks, Nintendo, for providing that to the world. Anyways, you go through and face the challenges that each of the four masters provides to you. They are to complete the level using only the fit skills provided to you. For some reason, the gifts they give you are like level one and level two instead of the grade three ones you have. They could have programmed it to use the highest stared skills you have unlocked but whatever. It makes it more of a challenge this way. Once you have gained the skills the four masters have taught you, it’s time to face off all four of them at once. You got to honestly use all of the muscle you have gained from that point on to defeat them. The boss fight was super fun as it required you to swap between different hold positions each time. I wish Andma would have kept her green ability. The game feels like it abandoned the Yoga abilities halfway through. Let’s, play some highlights of that battle:

[Cuts from video 101 to 101_1]

Epic! Once you beat them, you get the Galactic Jogger gear that grants you an extra five percent EXP. You arm yourself to get ready to battle.

That takes you to world twenty-three, where you have to face Dragaux. You go through quite a few worlds with Dragaux statues which is excellent since I have yet to buy that stone gear. I thought I would have to wait till halfway on the new game plus to get it. Once you beat all of the statues, it is time to face off against the big man himself. That level was challenging. You had to squat like almost a hundred times to even get to face him. Look at some of this:

[105 footage]

It just kept going and going like this. Eventually, you get to Dragaux. Dragaux turns the Red, Yellow, and blue colors in which you have to use the arm, abs, and legs skills, respectively. I was a little bit bored since It was done before, and I was kinda disappointed thinking that it was all they were going to do again. Plus, watch when he loses these. It shows him falling to the grown and then transitions into a different color. It just looks so weird to me. Is it like you can’t afford a few seconds more of animation for the final boss fight? He goes down, and I thought that was it… but it wasn’t. He becomes corrupted by the dark influence and becomes dark draugux. It was a pretty epic twist. Needless to say that he is by far the most potent enemy in the game. Although even still watch this attack. It only takes a quarter of my heart. I guess betting all the side missions and becoming too powerful wasn’t the best move since it took all the tension. Oh well, he goes down.

After he is defeated, the four masters’ souls return to normal. Dragaux releases the dark influence in his body, and the world returns to normal. The cutscene explains that the dark force in dragaux was the need to succeed at all cost as he was insecure in his body. Honestly, the message caused me to tear up a little bit. Especially as someone who grew up as a fat kid and to this day has complicated feelings about my body. Maybe it will be a video I’ll do in the future, but it’s kind of a heavy topic for this video. Let’s just say the ending is fantastic and really moved me emotionally. Plus, listen to these credits. Holly crap, the piano covers are amazing:

[Credits 105_2]

They did not need to go this hard for a fricking Fitness game, but they did. Any really only Nintendo could do something like this. That’s why, for as many stupid decisions and crap they do, they have to be respected. Only they are crazy enough to put some of these games out. With dragaux being defeated, I still had some days left to finish, so I began on a new game plus. Featuring worlds 24 to 46. I got through to world twenty-eight before I stopped. The new game plus doesn’t have any side missions, so you can really fly through this quickly. Overall, the game is still outstanding, and I can’t wait to play it again.

So, guys, thank you so much for watching this video on Ring Fit Adventure. I will change my schedule so that I do two other fitness game reviews before going back to Ring fit adventure. Next month is shovelware month, where I get to play a bunch of crappy dancing games. I’m hoping there will be a diamond in the rough, but I doubt it. Here is my sheet for Ring Fit Adventure round 5. If you guys have any suggestions on anything you want me to try, then shoot a comment in the comments below.  I will do pretty much any challenge or advice provided. If you guys want, you can follow me on Twitter @truejackjenk. I post about the videos that are coming out, and… that’s it. That’s really all I do on the site. Like this video on YouTube and subscribe to the YouTube channel. I post a new video every single Friday. Lastly, have a fantastic day, everyone. All you people are just incredibly amazing.