Fitness Games Reviews Ring Fit Adventure

Ring Fit Adventure (Round 3) – Fitness Game Review


Previously on my Ring Fit adventure Round 1…

[Play Round 1 Clips]

A little Less Previously than that on Round 2…

[Play Round 2 Clips]

And now, no more previously as it’s time to go through Round 3 of Ring fit adventure. I’m not sure how much more I can squeeze out of this Ring fit game, but I’m going to keep pressing until I complete it, just like how you squeeze that Ring con with all your might. I Gotta keep these filler videos going. Otherwise, I have to buy a new game every month! Eventually, I have to get to Country Dance on the Wii, and my slapping leather is weak. Let’s Roll that introduction!

Maybe one day I can afford a 4k Camera. Today isn’t that day, though. I started off my Ring Fit adventure by facing off against the blue dumbbell boss. After defeating him, I got the last ability in the game; the wing ability. With it, I can fly above the clouds and sore higher than everybody else. It’s yet another ability that aims to work out your abs. Basically, you hold the ring con by your stomach and just press it in. It’s another item that targets your abs, like the boat ability or the ab Guard. And Just like with those abilities, this does absolutely nothing for me. I don’t feel anything in my abs at all by doing these. Maybe it’s because I secretly have a six-pack underneath it all. That’s right, ladies, this is all just protective covering. I even read Reddit posts on what to do. I know you’re supposed to flex your abs, and I feel myself doing them; it’s just that I don’t feel a thing.

Anyways I got that flying ability, and then I went back to that level and flew above to continue onto the story. The story, by the way, hasn’t really changed. I mean, now you have to deal with ghost children thanks to draugux’s evil, but at the end of the day, you are still trying to chase down draugux and bring him to justice. Fighting the Four fitness masters whenever they show up. I know this may sound monotonous, but it doesn’t really feel that way with the humor in the dialog. It would be cool to spice things up like have a Halloween themed world or Christmas themed, but that would probably be best saved for like DLC.

I have to give this game credit, though. From day one to day thirty, I had a fantastic time each and every day. Sometimes with these fitness games, I get bored around day fifteen due to the lack of content. However, I have played ninety days total of this game, but there is still more to see in the future. This is the most content-packed fitness game I have ever played, which is an excellent thing for my sanity. I no longer feel that Zumba or DDR hatred in my veins.

After you defeat world 12, you come across the next one, which features six different options to choose from. Each one of these has a chance to defeat dragaux. I picked the right world right off the bat, meaning It took me like ten minutes to beat it. Don’t get me wrong, I still went back to get that one-hundred percent, but I kind of felt a little let down that I got it right off the bat. I know in some games they program it so that it would play out that the last world you completed would have your face off with dragaux, but oh well. I read that you have to wait until New game plus get the armor’s dragon fragments. Geeze, I’m going to be playing this game forever.

From there, I got to World 14, which has the before mentioned ghost children. The children were turned by Abdonis for the reason that I skipped over. What, I don’t want to click through all of these dialog options. Maybe if Nintendo higher voice actors for once, I would pay attention a little more. Anyways, you defeat him and free the ghost kids. The world was good, but my one issue is that I’m pretty sure all the levels are repeats here but with that fog overall on top. They could have thrown in a new level where maybe you have to push the haze away with an air blast or run away from it; otherwise, the level will go completely dark. See, I’m just throwing out ideas that are gold just like that. Please higher me, Nintendo! Need a WPF Developer? I’m your Guy!

The last world I got to was World 15. That world is titled Quizton, where believe it or not, you have to answer a quiz. Basically, the town person will ask you a question. You then have to choose between two worlds that represent the answer. Choose right, and you will continue on the game. Choose wrong, and your save file gets deleted, and you have to start all over again. Just kidding… you just have to choose the right level next time. Overall, this was a great gimmick. The game can also hold my interest for over ninety days total by just throwing these interesting concepts constantly. I got right up to the point where I was about to destroy draugux, but then the thirty days were done. Next time for round 4, I’m going to be coming for him and bring him to his knees!

So, guys, thank you so much for watching this video on Ring Fit Adventure Round 3. Here is my sheet for the game. I recommend you download it for yourself and give it a try too. If you like this video, please thumbs up, share, and subscribe to the YouTube channel. You can expect a new video every single week on things such as self-development, product tries, and Fitness Game Reviews. If enough of you subscribe, I can enable ads and get that 4k 60fps camera. Imagine if I did the cold showers with that beast. You could see every bit of this body. If you have any suggestions on videos you would like to see, then please leave a comment. I try and make sure to make any request posted as I love trying new and exciting things. Follow me on Twitter @TrueJackJenk. I post when the videos come out, and that’s pretty much it. Lastly, have a fantastic day, everyone.

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