Fitness Games Reviews Ring Fit Adventure

Ring Fit Adventure (Round 1)


The king of Fitness games dropped a classic last year with a spiritual successor to the wii fit series titled Ring Fit adventure. Is this game a great way to loose weight or is it yet another Nintendo peripheral that will be coming to a goodwill near you. Let’s find out when I play ring fit adventure for 30 days.

What’s up everybody! My name is Jack Jenkins and welcome to my YouTube channel. I do self-improvement challenges, item reviews and a series called fitness games challenge where I get a fitness video game and play it through to see how good of a fitness tool it is. I already did a Nintendo game previously with DDR Mario Mix and now I am working with their latest game Ring Fit adventure. The challenge and the footage took place back in April of this year. I just haven’t had a chance to review it due to an increase workload thanks to the Coronavirus pandemic. I hope you and all your friends and family stay safe during these troubling times. Let’s get started.

First, let’s go through the actual package. When you purchase Ring fit adventure you of course get the game as well as a modified Pilates ring to fit the joycon and a leg strap. The Pilates ring is extremely well made and durable. The design is great and the little pads here come off so you can wash them when you cover them with hand sweat. No problem at all. The leg strap however is not so great. It kind of works like the num-chuk holder for EA active except it doesn’t have any grip on the bottom making it slide around during running. After washing it once the leg strap barley grips at all and the strap constantly comes undone and falls off. I’ll probably keep it for this and the second round, more on that later, just to see if the strap degrades any more. Overall, If this was a test I’d give the ring an A and the Strap a D plus.

Now let’s go into the game itself. The menu is very simple and streamline. You have the main adventure mode where all the action and fun takes place. You also have the ability to work out just what you want and most interestingly a dancing minigame that just came out when I got it. I immediately played this when it first came out and I can say that I am a big fan of this. You twist the ring and either squeeze or pull depending on the ring, ducking over walls when they come. IF you expand the move set a little and add maybe sixty more songs this could be a full fledge game on it’s own right. It’s included for free and I can say that it is an enjoyable distraction.

There are a few other modes but the main reason why you picked up this game is for the adventure mode. Let’s get started. The adventure mode is super cool. It starts off wit you creating your own character to your liking. After that there is a quick, skippable cut scene of you stumbling on this ring that tells you to pull it. You do so for some reason and unleash the main villain in this game. The buff and evil dragaux. From there you notice the ring talking to you and ask for you to help him gain the power and defeat dragaux. The basic story is kind of like the Legend of kora episodes on the first avatar but, you know, less annoying.

From there you go into the different world maps which so you the levels you need to complete to get to dragaux. During my thirty days of playing the game I reached about world seven with each world containing different levels and minigames. During the main levels in each world you will run around a determined path until you reach the goal. One criticism I have is that it would be much better to have the game set up as an open world where you run on predetermine paths that branch out. If you ever played the game Killer7 the movement would be similar to that in my head. Of course that would make it much more complicated to navigate for those who are more casual or beginner gamers but It would help in making the game world more realized.

During each sprint in the level you will come across monsters that you have to defeat by carrying out different exercises. At first you only have four exercises but will get more and more as you continue. The battle system is a pretty generic turned based RPG style where you start off with an attack or heal and then it’s the enemies turn and then continue on back and forth until one of you loses. When it’s the enemies turn you have to do a Ab Guard where you push the ring into your stomach. Eventually, you get to the point where you get a chance to have the enemy do no damage (a lucky guard), attack the enemy while it is confused and drink and make your own smoothies. Overall I really like the combat system in the game as it helps keep you motivated while playing. Sometimes during Wii Fit I would get board doing the same old exercise over and over again. This game solves this issue by making the effect of doing the exercises have game consequences.

The more battles and levels you complete the higher your level will be. As you get more levels you attack power and defense will increase as well as unlock more exercises and a skill tree so you can pick what you want to upgrade. By the end of the thirty days I was on level Fifty-One with about a third of the skill tree unlocked.

While you are not exercising you can shop for new cloths, make smoothies by squeezing the ring con and completing side quests. The side quests are a good way of increasing your level without having to grind through levels again as they usually come with a twist of trying to do this level with only a certain number of steps or play this minigame and get to at least this many points. The side quests are fun but I wish there were a lot more of them. I usually try and beat all side quests before taking on the worlds boss as it’s a great feeling to be so over powered compared to them. More side quests means more leveling up means that I can feel even more like a boss. My one complaint here is that their isn’t really a quick play option for you to go through level to level without going through the dialog. Between shopping, making smoothies, changing your outfit, swapping your fit skills, spending your skill points and more it’s easy to spend a lot of time in the map and in the menus. That time is not tracked by your exercise clock so you can easily calculate how much time you spent exercising versus menu surfing.

Overall, during the thirty games while I was playing ring fit Adventure I was having a blast. I felt most of the pain in my legs and in my shoulders which is good as that is where I feel I am weakest. The game did a great job of keeping me motivated and making me want to keep playing and sometimes I did even past the thirty-minute timer. Overall I spent nine hours and fifty-five minutes exercising. Burned almost forty-five thousand calories and ran eighteen miles. Here is my paper for Ring fit adventure. While I didn’t lose any weight It was still a fun time and I feel toner in my shoulders and legs. Overall I highly recommend buying and playing Ring Fit adventure.

I had a fun time with this game but I feel like I didn’t get to full experience it. That’s why I am going to be playing it again for round two. I plan on playing a round every other month until I beat that game with other games thrown into the mix. So, I’ll see you later Ring Fit Adventure. As for my next fitness game I think I might as well stay on the switch before drugging up other systems. I just need another fitness game to pick. If only Nintendo published another fitness game on this system. One that you can just by digitally so you don’t need to get a box. I’ll see you soon for the next game.

Thank you so much for watching this video. Please like the video if you enjoyed it. Also you can subscribe to the YouTube channel. I release a new video every week on challenges such as these as well as general self-improvement tests. If you have any ideas for challenges leave a comment below and I will make sure to try and incorporate it into our schedule. As always I recommend you start your own YouTube channel and try doing these challenges yourself. Have a great reset of the day everyone.

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