New Year Goals

Reviewing New Years Goals for 2022 (I DID AMAZING!!!!)

Reviewing New Years Goals for 2022 (I DID AMAZING!!!!)

✘ Lose Weight to at least 240lbs By the end of the year
✘ Eat out only Once every Week
✔ Get bloodwork done by my doctor @done(22-09-18 10:31)
✔ Drink 8 Cups of Water Each day @done(22-12-03 09:42)
✔ Get all B’s throughout the rest of my degree
✘ Read a new Book every other month (2/6)
✔ Take an extra course through EDX / Coursera @done(22-12-03 09:40)
Youtube Channel
✔ Continue to Create Jack Jenkins Youtube Videos for at least 40 weeks (43/40) @done(22-12-03 09:41)
✔ Create Jack Jenkins Website and Host all Videos on There (WordPress – to save time) @started(22-06-06 21:03) @done(22-12-03 09:42) @lasted(25w4d13h39m59s)
✘ Create new Graphics and Images as well as get on two new social media sites to expand Channel (500 subscribers) @cancelled(22-12-03 09:42)
✔ Go to a Toastmasters meeting @done(22-07-02 18:58)
✔ Go to a convention outside of work @done(22-11-06 20:28)
✔ Do an activity each and every week (keep out of the house)
✔ Pay off at least 20,000 dollars of Debt – (do so by eating out less) Paid off both cars
✔ Get married (don’t have a good place to put this one so It goes here)
✔ Update all accounts once married (File for jointly) @done(22-11-06 20:28)
✔ A vacation (Disney) (We did a Staycation in Chicago Instead
✔ A new Camera Lens (adjustable [zoom]… the one I have suck
✔ Buy a herb or plant to grow from seeds (got an aerogarden)
✔ An Apple Watch @done(22-06-06 21:02)

Apps used are Visual Studio Code and tracking with Todoist. ToDo extension here: