New Year Goals

New Years Goals for 2023

I do my New Years Goals for 2023. Put your goals down below and let’s complete them forever!!!

Health and Physical
☐ Lose Weight to at least 240lbs By the end of the year (294) – Do So by Working out More and Focusing on Physical Challenges for Youtube Videos
☐ Only Eat Out Twice a Week (One Fast Food, One Restaurant) – Do so by planning these out into our mealplans
☐ Have a Protein Shake Every Single Day – With the Increase of working out I will need to increase my protein, fruit and vegetable intake
☐ Run a 5k Race in order to become healthier
☐ Floss Every Single Day – Add to toDoist as a night routine

Mental Health
☐ Take a 24 Hour Tech Sabbat Every Single Month – Do so by Going out and doing things instead of staying at home
☐ Begin Journaling Once a Week
☐ Reduce Amount of Time on Reddit – Do so by setting a 15 minute timmer of Reddit and that’s it
☐ Update Life Blueprint twice this Year

☐ Read a new Book every other month (0/6)
☐ Take another Online Class through EDX / Udacity on Programming
☐ Get a library Card in order to get libby – Helps me Read more

Youtube Channel Hobbies
☐ Create a new Video Every Single Week for the Rest of the Year (0/52)
☐ Expand Youtube Channel to 500 subscribers (293/500) – Do so by improving the quality of the camera work and by creating more dedicated time to the channel.
☐ Restart 30 Day’s Challenge Series twice this year (0/2) – Do So by adding these to my video schedules

☐ Go to at least 3 meetups this Year and try to make a new friend
☐ Make an effort to hand out with Friends at least five times this year (0/5)
☐ Plan an Activty Every Week (Movies and something free one a week… other 2 open)
☐ Of the Activties Five should be at new Places not counting new resturants or vacations(0/5)
☐ Elevate my Wardrobe by Buying 5 new items (Socks, Underwear, Shirts, Sports Coat, Shoes) – After losing weight

☐ Pay Off at least 20,000 Dollars of Student loans (0/20,000) – Do so by following below to get extra money
☐ Reorganize our Monthly Budget to limit and cut back on what we spend – Do so by adjusting categories in Mint
☐ Hold a Marriage Meeting Every Single Week
☐ Go On Vacation this year (Washington DC or Smoky Mountains)

☐ Fix Holes in the Walls in Bedroom and Office
☐ Deep Clean Carpets by renting a cleaner

☐ Try having themed Food Weeks every other month (Hawaiian, German, Sweedish, ect.)
☐ Eat out at Ten new Resturants (While not traveling / vacation)
☐ Get over my fear of flying – Do so through VR simulation, continue travel and more work trips

☐ POTENTIAL: Move out to Arizona in 2023

Apps used are Visual Studio Code and tracking with Todoist. ToDo extension here: