Mobile App Review

LearnToLive Makes Me WantToDie (LearnToLive App Review)


These past few reviews have been great. I’ve been nothing but positive on the reviews of Down dog, Taiko No Tatsujin and other items. Well let’s turn that around with this review of LearnToLive, an app that makes me want to die. Pretty clever title am I right?


LearnToLive is a digital mental health company whose’ app utilizes online cognitive behavioral therapy programs to improve your life. Cognitive behavior therapy is a psycological treatment that emphasize getting rid of harmful thoughts and fix bad learned behavior. You can always check out the link I provided below if you are curious more on this. My knowledge begins and ends at college Pyshc101 class. The Programs within the LearnToLive app include resolving issues related to Depression, Insomnia, Resilience and so much more. To the side of me are all the programs the app has for you to take.

 The idea of Online therapy programs is one that sounds great to many including me. You don’t have the cost of an expensive therapist that may or may not be covered by insurance. You don’t have to worry about trying to go to some office across town if you live in a more rural environment. Basically, everything you need is all provided in a simple application. All you need to do is the hard work of self-improvement.

I decided to go through with the purchase of this app after discovering it. The prices vary depending on if your health insurance covers it or not of which mine did. One thing that is weird is that the price of the app itself is very hard to find and is something that I couldn’t. You probably need to contact the support directly which is not consumer friendly. The site claims it’s your “Trusted Digital Mental Health Partner” and yet it lacks any sort of transparency.

 After the purchase, you take this quiz to find out which program is best for you to take. I got recommended the Resilience program along with the Insomnia program. My task was to work on the items within both of these courses over the sixty-day period and see if I recommend the program to you guys.

The content of the programs themselves are pretty great! Simple concepts of determining your values or adjusting your sleep schedule are smartly told through videos using people as an example. Instead of reading some generic study you get to view issues through the lives of people they affect. A great way to give the lessons in these programs. Although the animation on these is awful and use that generic corporate style everybody hates.

 There are quizzes at the beginning of each lesson to check on your mental health and see how it progresses during the lessons. They provide a ton of different challenges and more to do at the end of each lesson. The Insomnia program has a cool sleep tracker built into it which is a bit primitive but works. There are coaches in the app that you can talk to. Note that there is a disclaimer that these are not license therapist which is a bit lame but makes economic sense for the company. Overall, the programs and content of this application is nothing original but packaged very well and in an easy to consume way. The programs really aren’t my issue with the app and is something that I could see improving someone’s mental health.

The issue arises with everything else surrounding the content. Everything from the layout to trying to complete activities is a disaster. Going to the Reviews of the app you won’t see a single written review over three stars. Every single one talks about the glitches and bugs that plague this thing. In fact, this review by LovelyLady1122 says everything I could say. Its glitches, I reach out to support and get an email stating they will reach out to me. They never do. It’s been over four months since I put in my complaints and am Writing this review and not a single person has responded to me. Truly great customer supports this company provides.

Glitches and freezing happens all the time for me. I’ve had the app close out on me in the middle of a video pretty much every other day. Sometimes hitting the next button doesn’t work so you hit it five or six times in a row. By the time the page loads you accidentally skip one and have to go back. My sleep schedule never populated despite data being entered in the sleep tracker. It’s just a mess of bugs that won’t improve anybody’s mental health. It doesn’t matter if the content is good if the app is trash since you can get all the information from this by watching a ted talk or reading a book on sleep.

Lastly, what bugs me most is the lost potential this app has. You can clearly see from the layout that all this is doing is pulling up some webpage through a browser like it’s the Nintendo Eshop Store or something. That is such a crappy way of going about things. If someone is going to spend so much money or have their insurance pay for this then I would expect so much better. Where is the connectivity to other sleep tracker apps or the Sleep app itself? Where are the reminders in this app? Why are pretty much every page including the FAQ not formatted and put into a textbox? You can literally edit the FAQ to say that this app sucks which I did as you can see. There are just so many bugs and glitches that I was thinking that the company is just a scam.

Overall, LearnToLive wanted to make me die with its trash application. Heard the website was better which it is but most traffic now adays come from mobile. Everything good you can get from this app is lost through the constant frustration of using this half-baked glitchy interface. That’s if you can finish the lesson without the application crashing, forcing you to restart the lesson again. If they fix the app and provided more interactivity with the lessons then this would be a recommend in my book. Until then don’t waste any of you time or money by getting this crap. Shame on insurance providers for not providing mental health coverage and instead recommend you use this useless waste of iPhone Space instead. If you really need help you can learn about reliance or insomnia from a book. Better yet, see a therapist in real life that can actually help you better than any of the “Coaches” in the app. You won’t have to worry about glitches interacting in the real world.

So, guys, that’s it for today’s video on LearnToLive. If you have any other challenges or videos, you want me to do then please leave a comment below. I will do any challenge recommended that is focused on self-improvement and isn’t illegal. While you are down there, please like this video and subscribe to the YouTube channel. Follow me on X and Instagram @truejackjenk. Visit my website at Lastly, have a fantastic day everyone. All you guys watching are just so incredibly amazing.