Abs Workout Fitness Product Review Mobile App Review Uncategorized

Is This the BEST Ab Workout App for IPhone??? – 6 Pack Abs in 30 Days App Review


One of the most popular fitness applications for the iPhone is titled “Six Pack in 30 Days”. It’s made by Abishkking Limited and has a four-point-nine-star rating on the App Store. Does it deserve its popularity and high praise? Will this fat man have what it takes to start losing weight with this application? Will I be able to get a six pack in just thirty days? There is only one way to find out, baby!


Once you download the app and open it you get to fill out a survey. The survey will detail things like, what are your overall goals, gender, current body fat, and more. What you fill out in the survey will help customize the program you will take in the thirty days. The survey portion of this app is amazing, with highly detailed illustrations that just look so cool. I also love some of the additional information they throw in this process, such as your current BMI when selecting the weight. I love it when apps have these surveys, as it makes it feel like your experience is tailored to you. For filling out the survey, I am a male, 29 years old and weigh about two-hundred and ninety pounds. My chosen goal was to lose a few pounds by the end of this series.  You can see me explain that in my day zero body view:

[Day 0 – Before – Add Before weight at 293.6]

Did I meet these goals? Well, you have to watch and see! Or I guess skip to the chapter where I outlined it. With my weight, I was listed to work out my abs about once every three days with a beginner’s workout routine. Before it begins, it tells you about the premium plan, which includes more workouts, a workout generator, no ads, more challenges, more analytics, and more everything. It’s only thirty dollars a year which is not a bad price. Since I am just sticking with the basic routine, I opted to skip this, but more features are available for those who are looking for something on the more advanced side.

Once you are ready to begin working out, click on the day of your journey. Doing so will take you to the overview page. This page includes the level you are at, how long the workout is, and the estimated calories that will be burned. You can adjust your guide on this page between two real people and two 3D fake people. Of course, I chose to look at the real-life girl as I am a male of high class. Below the guide selection is the sound & music section. This is something that I haven’t seen other apps that I love. Instead of listening to whatever music the app company pulls, it can play it straight from the Music app or a streaming service like Spotify.

The music streaming service ability was pretty amazing! While it did take some time to load up through the music app, being able to play my own music playlist through it and have it integrate with the controls of the Six Pack in 30 Days app was great. This is something that should really be a standard for all workout Apps. I am doing a challenge right now with the App Down Dog, and I desperately wish the music function was in that app. This right here is a winner in my book. I will say there is a twenty-song limit for the playlist, which may be an issue with the version of the API library Six pack abs in thirty days is using. As I mentioned it is also slow to load, but I have over a few thousand songs. Considering that iTunes on my powerful gaming Windows 11 machine takes ten minutes to load, I will say that this is a non-issue.

Below the sound and music section are the exercises you will be completing. For my program, the group had between fifteen and twenty-three exercises. Two of them are warm-ups, jumping jacks, and high stepping. Three of them at the end are the stretches that act as a cool-down. In between are about thirty different exercises that were tailored to my fitness level. It’s anything from regular sit-ups to leg raises to side planks. Clicking the exercises lets you see more information on how to do it and the muscle group it works out. One thing I would add to the overview page would be a way to swap out the exercises. You can only do that during the actual routine, which breaks up the flow. Other than that, there isn’t anything to complain about with this app section.

With the workout organized, it’s time to begin sweating. Hitting the start button will display your exercise at the top and how long the break is. The break is adjustable in the app settings, but I kept it as the default. Once the time runs out, it’s time to begin exercising. The app will either count down how long you must make the motion or how many times you must do the exercise. If it’s a counting type, you must manually hit your screen to continue to the next exercise. Get through the workout and get a nice celebration page with the statistics. I really liked the interface and just how great everything flowed together. The ads were a bit annoying, but hey… it’s my fault for not paying. Also, all the voices were just a touch too much for me. It sounds like early text-to-speech websites in the 2000s. Having a voice in the options to give the countdown and say the exercises here.

My experience with using the app went pretty well. The first day of working out was bad for me, but it went fine after that. I had my usual stomach cramps and had to hold a cold pack on them for five minutes, as seen in the video above. World’s weakest abs right here. Completing days two through thirty was a perfect mix of challenges. The increased reps and more exercises gave me a challenge. I will say that thirty exercises weren’t enough and that more beginner ab workouts should be added. Many exercises were listed as intermediate and advanced than beginners, but that could be the case of more exercises being available for those groups. Besides the repetition, the exercises were all double for someone my size at three hundred pounds with enough challenge that I wanted to give up.

Now it’s time for the results. Did I lose weight? Roll that video:

[Day 30 Weight]

[Day 30 body view}

Next to me is my sheet of information for each day. Each day took about fifteen minutes on average, burning around a hundred and twenty calories each day. My appreciation for this has grown as I’ve gone through some of the more garbage apps on the app store. It’s one of the highest-rated and most downloaded apps for a reason. I highly recommend everyone who still hasn’t downloaded it to do so and give it a try. Yes, the ads are annoying, and I wish the beginner’s section had more variety. Still, it’s a huge step above the rest of the competition. It’s not even funny. Easily one of the best exercise apps I have ever used, and maybe up there with Ring Fit Adventure and Wii Fit as the best fitness tools I have ever used. The company has a ton of other apps that look to be a reskin of this one based on the different courses offered in the premium membership. For those who are thinking, yes, I plan on reviewing all of the developers’ apps, so I look forward to that. I can’t wait to get on that Period Tracker! Best fitness app for men right here.

So, guys, thank you so much for watching this video. If you liked it, then give me a big thumbs up. Subscribe to my YouTube channel for more videos such as this one. I do videos within the realm of self-improvement through product reviews and challenges. If you have any ideas or things, you want me to do, then leave them in the comments below. I try and do every challenge offered to me that isn’t illegal. Follow me on Twitter and Instagram at truejackjenk. Visit my website at jack-jenkins.com. Lastly, have a fantastic day, everyone. Let’s improve together.

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