Fitness Games Reviews Wii Fit Series

I Try and Lose Weight in 30 Days by playing Wii Fit (The Ultimate Nostalgia Trip) – FGR


Is there no game more nostalgic to my generation than Wii sports. Bowling with the family, boxing friends, accidentally smashing your tv with the Wii remote. Man, good times… and the good times kept coming when more and more Wii series games kept releasing. Wii play came out to great sales due to an included Wii remote. Wii sports resorts came out with an extension that vastly improved the Wii remote with the Wii motion plus. Wii music brought out the depression in all Nintendo fans, and Wii fit brought us this puppy. The Wii balance board. Every parent bought their fat kid this peripheral hoping that the kid will lose some weight, and I was no exception. The balance board allowed any user under three hundred and thirty pounds to stand upon it, and it will measure your weight and track your balance. As I plan on going back to play through some of the older fitness games, this puppy will come up a lot. Every great fitness game for the Wii used it, including the pack in the title, which was once the most excellent fitness game of all time, Wii fit. That’s right, I am pulling the ultimate nostalgia trip by playing and reviewing Wii Fit for the Nintendo Wii. Let’s rock out with this absolute classic in gaming history. What’s going on everybody, my name is Jack Jenkins, and welcome to my youtube channel. I do any challenges in the realm of self-improvement, including fashion and fitness. This series is all about going through fitness games to see what is worth buying or not. Run that intro

[Jack Jenkins Intro]

What a fantastic song, but not as impressive as this tune. [Play Training Menu]. This song is just a blast to the passman, and so is playing this game. It is just so two-thousand and seven that Junior high Jack would play while watching the Jersey Shore back when MTV was trash… Now it’s just garbage, such a waste. Anyway, the game starts off with an adorable character of the peripheral your standing on. This little guy will be your absolute nightmare as they body shame you every single day. After learning about how unbalanced everyone is, you get to enter in your birthday and your height. It will use this calculation to determine your BMI and your balance age. To get your BMI, you have to stand on the board where it grunts cause you are squishing it to death. From there, it says how off you are from perfect balance and then gives you your BMI on the saddest scale. I like how no matter if you lost weight or not, it’ll still play the jingle. Be happy I lost something, you dick. From there, you calculate your Wii fit age by playing two balance games. The games range from easy as hell to just the most significant pain in the ass. My age range went from nineteen to fifty-three over the thirty days I was playing it. It’s more of a fun calculation rather than anything serious you need to worry about. Lastly, you set your goal on how much weight to lose by when. My goal for the video was to lose four pounds over the month. Did I make my goal… well, you got to wait till the end of the video.

To lose weight, you enter training mode to do exercises or mini-games from four different categories. Yoga has you stretching your body in all other ways. A great way to begin and end your training for the day. Strength will have you working out your muscles by doing jackknifes, push-ups, planks, and so much more. Aerobics will get your heart rate as you run, box, hula-hoop, and dance. Lastly, Balance games will force you to work your legs with mini-games such as hitting soccer balls and collecting fish in a penguin costume. Definitely, the category where Nintendo was able to get more creative. I wanted to do at least two yoga and strength exercises for the video and one aerobic and balance game per day. The rest of the time was spent doing whatever I’d like to finish up the thirty minutes. Most of it was playing the Balance bubble mini-game. That mini-game has you guide your Mii without hitting any bees or ledges. I had like forty attempts in this game. It’s just too hard for me. I did spend one day each on just playing the categories just as a break from the monotony.

I don’t want to get too in the weeds with each of the forty activities. Once I’m done playing the other two games in the series, I plan to rank every single exercise and mini-games in the franchise from best to Dead bugs. I really hate dead bugs. Anyways, just know that in general, every activity in the game is serviceable and does what it says it does. For yoga, you do the pose for a set amount, and that’s it. You can’t adjust any of the times like you can do with Yoga Master, but again, the game is meant for just the basics. Strength training is actually a pretty good workout with some of these exercises, such as planks. My favorite is the three exercises at the bottom where you get to face off against the trainer to see who can do more jackknifes, push-ups, or hold the longest plank. It’s a super fun way to test yourself and see the results of your training. Aerobics I do have a slight problem with, and that’s the fact that the controls aren’t that good. The running exercise definitely cannot detect the Wii more in my pocket and say the joycon in the leg strap can in Ring Fit. It kept giving me bad ratings when I was doing just fine in the other game. Step and Advance step could be really cool if they had more songs and maybe registered you moving your arms with the controller, but alas, you only get two pieces. The last category, balance, was probably the best as they could pull out some fun ideas such as walking across a type of rope and snowboarding down a hill.

The big question for Wii fit is, does it hold up, and is it worth getting in the year 2021? Well, remember what I said about this game is so 2007? Well, it’s also a negative. The game encourages you to weigh yourself every single day. That is now known to be not so good as it can lead you to be discouraged from your diet and exercise as we tend to fluctuate about five pounds per day. A better goal, at least according to the Cleveland Clinics Leslie Heinberg, is to weigh yourself two days a week with some days in between, such as Monday and Thursday. However, you won’t get the Wii fit stamp of the day, so you got to do it every day.

Another thing that dates this game is that if you increase the weight, you have to pick a reason. The Wii fit board is basically being like, “So, you gained a pound and a half… why’d you do it ya fat ass…” when as I said, you tend to fluctuate about five pounds per day. After choosing a reason, you then get a lecture on why you are wrong and scolds you. We now know that this isn’t the best approach to encouraging weight loss. Again, this is more on how our attitudes have changed since the game’s inception rather than how the product is handled. You can see the difference between Ring Fit vs. Wii Fit. Ring Fit encourages you to try your hardest and even gives encouragement if you fail. It’s an example that shows just how much better we handle exercise nowadays. We encourage to do rather than a shame if we do not.

Overall, despite the aging of this game do I recommend it. No! Why, you may ask? Well, because Wii Fit Plus came out two years later and improved upon this game in every way. I will do a fitness game review on Wii Fit plus in a few months. Until then, here is my sheet for the game. Suppose you still have your Wii in your attic. In that case, I recommend dusting it off and popping in Wii Fit for a round or two for nostalgic sakes or try out the thirty-day challenge yourself. I wanted to interrupt the shovelware month with this review as it’s an excellent introduction to the peripheral the next game will be using. That game is Yoga Wii or the first 100 percent yoga experience. So guys, thank you so much for watching this video. Please subscribe to the YouTube channel as I put out a new video every single week. If you have any ideas for challenges, please let me know, and I will complete them. I’ll try pretty much anything new or exciting so just throw the ideas up. Follow me on Twitter @truejackjenk. Lastly, have a fantastic day, everyone. All you guys are so amazing.