
I Stop Watching Adult Content for 30 Days (IT ROTS YOUR MIND!!!!)

Sources: Traffic:


ED Studies:

https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/jsm.12853 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5027992/

Porn on Gray Matter: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapsychiatry/fullarticle/1874574


According to a recent article linked below, adult website Pornhub receives an estimated thirty billion visitors in 2022y. This occurs when more and more bad news on this business has been coming out, including a high-profile lawsuit last year on the company profiting from sex trafficking and rape videos. As a frequent previvor of the site, I think it’s time to take a break. In this video, I will be abstaining from consuming the industry any longer when I take a thirty-day break from pornography.


I filmed and completed this challenge in September of 2021 and started that August. Here is my first day and intro statement on the challenge:

[Play Day 1 video]

In between my updates on the challenge, I wanted to dispel some myths about pornography and give more insights into my relationship with it. I will say that since doing this challenge, I have reduced my watching of porn from about three times a day to three times a week. I have learned to rely more on my thoughts and my surroundings. I am also married, so I feel like it changes things, you know? Looking at other women like that while married feels different than being just engaged. It’s hard to explain, but that’s just how I feel. Now onto two weeks in the challenge:

[12 Days video]

Now time for a question, I am sure a few people are thinking. Did not watching porn fix any Erectile dysfunction? The answer is no. First, I never had that issue personally. Secondly, Porn watching causing Erectile dysfunction, or ED as it’s called, is one of the possible myths in the industry I wanted to cover. According to a study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, while ED is growing among younger men, it is not caused by porn. The study monitored porn usage among Croatian Men with ED and found that there wasn’t much of a relationship between watching Porn and their ED. I will link to this study and a few others below for you to read. This doesn’t mean that there couldn’t be a link. It just needs more research.

I brought that up in this video since this is one thing, I constantly hear about why adult films are bad. It’s because it causes ED. In reality, there are a few more things, such as the conditions of some of the actors, the questionability of the main company, Mind Geek, and other issues. The answer to if Pornography consumption is Ethical is still up in the air. However, at least some of the physical concerns are okay. Here is my Day 18 video:

[Day 18]

Lastly, before the final recorded video, I wanted to give my thoughts on if would recommend that you complete this challenge. I say, without a doubt, yes. It was surprising how hard of a challenge this video was for me to do. A part of the reason is that while porn does not give you ED, it does hijack your brain. Frequent Pornography usage reduces the volume of gray matter in your brain. The study is linked below. Our brains are stupid creatures wired to live and procreate. The consumption of porn is fulfilling that need and causing issues in the world. To quote the study, “boys with daily consumption showed more interest in deviant and illegal types of pornography and more frequently reported the wish to actualize what was seen in real life.” That makes sense as to why all these weird fetishes are becoming normalized, and yes, I will a hundred percent kink shame, you weirdos. The fact that an entire industry with a great marketing campaign is pushing the normalization of this harmful content is why you should resist. Doing this thirty-day challenge taught me I was overconsuming this content, and researching this helped make my factor. I hope to reduce my porn use to zero and focus on using my mind instead. Below is my thirtieth day in review:

[Day 30]

Overall, I am not sure how I feel about this video. It was a bit all over the place, and I didn’t have a concrete idea for it in the beginning. It’s why it came out so much later than my other videos. However, I am so glad I created this video. I do think that we have a lot of sex positivity in our culture which is great. I am a hundred percent for the removal of slut shaming and LGBT rights. However, I am one hundred percent okay with stating the ramifications of these movements. The probable lie of Erectile Disfunction of Porn should not have the same weight as the truth of it affecting brain composition. We need to present both the truths and let people make their choices and test that outcome in these challenges. My results was to continue to reduce consumption until abstaining. Others may do the same No Porn Challenge and continue on as normal. It is entirely up to the individual.

So guys, thank you so much for watching this video. Give the video a big thumbs up. Visit my website at jack-jenkins.com. Follow me on Instagram and twitter @truejackjenk. Lastly have an amazing day everyone. I hope you all find happiness in your lives.