
I Quit All Social Media for 30 Days as a Reddit Addict (THE FIRST CHALLENGE I FAILED AT!!!)


When it comes to Male self-improvement, YouTubers, there is no one more popular and respected than the Alpha M. That’s right, screw you, Andrew Tate! You’ll never beat the Alpha! He’s been doing this crap since 2009 and even went on Shark Tank. Even before with his old ass style system that I purchased back in high school.

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God, the nostalgia! While surfing his video, I saw one that caught my eye on the YouTube Sidebar, titled How to Look More Attractive in 30 Days! I love thirty-day challenges, so this piqued my interest. I figured I should take the challenge and take on this Alpha M Challenge. If you don’t know, my name is Jack Jenkins, and I do videos and reviews within the realm of self-improvement. I hope to see me, a fat nerd, try and improve will encourage you guys to do the same. Today I am doing the Alpha M looks more attractive in the 30 Days challenge.

I’ll have the video linked below if you want to watch but here is the list taken from his website. The six things he listed are as follows: doing 100 push-ups a day, going to bed an hour earlier, using Tiege Hanley, having a 10-day stubble, Drinking 100 ounces of water, and eating out only twice a week. Overall, a good list of items to try and tackle.

I have taken the liberty of modifying the list to fit my needs. Here is the blank template I will use to track my progress. The one hundred push-ups will stay the same, giving me a reason to redo that previous challenge. Please watch that one as well… one of my first videos. I usually fall asleep at eleven to eleven-thirty, so my bedtime will be at ten. That’s when I should go to bed now that I am a grown adult about to turn into his thirties. I know… amazingly, I am not using a cane. Instead of using Tiege Hanley, I will use a regular old facial routine, including morning and night creams. I’ve tried Tiege in the past, and I didn’t like the whole monthly subscription model. Just let me buy a big old tube at Costco and call it a day. Besides, my girlfriend has a ton of face stuff I can use, saving me money. I will shave my face nearly every week to keep a ten-day stubble. I’ll keep shaving it at eight mm, which looks like my ten-day stubble. My facial hair grows fast as hell. I read it starts to slow down when men hit their mid-thirties, so I got quite a few years of this fast growth. Next, I will drink 100 ounces of water which is still less than recommended considering I am nearly three hundred pounds. Lastly, eat out only twice a week which I already do. One fast food and one restaurant. I will review these tasks individually before ranking them based on what I think was the most beneficial for me.

First up is the push-ups which have been playing behind me for quite some time. I already did a hundred push-ups every thirty-day challenge, so you can also watch that video. I did ten sets of ten push-ups spread across a few hours. My back, shoulders, and triceps were killing me after a week, so I decided to ease down to doing it once every other day. That was a much better choice, I feel, and I could feel my chest grow. You need that rest day to heal up the ripped muscle.
Going to bed at ten was probably one of the harder challenges the Alpha bestrode on me. Don’t really have footage of me sleeping at ten pm, so more push-up/shower background footage will be played. For information on my sleep process, I worked the overnight shift at an IT call center for about four years while in school for computer science. While that allowed me to get my degree and still make enough for a living, that probably ruined my sleep schedule forever. Since then, I haven’t gotten a good night’s sleep in the past year. I usually go to bed as close as I can to midnight and then wake up at seven in the morning, an hour before I go to work. I work from home, in case you are wondering, so I don’t have the drive to go through. Switching my sleep schedule to just one hour was a huge challenge and made me constantly tired. My body can only switch sleep schedules once a decade. However, I felt like going to bed at ten and waking up at five-fifty was much more productive. It was especially productive since it gave me time to do my activities in the morning and go to the gym at night. I am glad to say that this was one of the most beneficial things I’ve done recently in my life, and I still go to bed at ten pm every weekday.