Learning to Play Guitar Rocksmith

I Play Rocksmith 2014 Remastered on Guitar for 60 Days (I BECOME A GUITAR GOD!)


Let’s Rock!

[Play Me and The Bean]

I still barely know any songs. But I know that Rocksmith 2014 Remastered is much better than its predecessor in almost every single what. What’s going on, everybody! My name is Jack Jenkins, and welcome to my YouTube Channel. Today I am going to be rocking out with the brand new Rocksmith 2014. It’s juice and jam time…. [Strum]

Let me first start off by saying this is not my first rodeo on the guitar. I played and reviewed the original Rocksmith 60 day challenge for both Bass and Guitar. So I am not a complete beginner. If you are watching, see how good you can get in sixty days than watch that previous video. This is more like from day sixty-one today one-hundred and twenty. I will also be comparing this game to that one a lot, so I recommend watching that original review, or you know, just playing it for yourself first. I am using the same guitar as last time. I am using a new computer since my old one would die trying to run it. That’s why it’s so smooth and not laggy at all.

As far as gameplay goes, it’s pretty much the same. A few new things pop up, such as these accent notes that were not in the first one. This lets you know to strum that note a little harder to make it stick out. Finger mutes are now a thing in the game as well. It does exactly what it sounds like. You just mute the string with your finger. It makes playing songs like harder to breathe by Maroon 5 a lot easier to play. They also added arpeggios to the game, making it easier to play songs such as Good Enough by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers. Basically, it tells you in advance where to put your fingers, and then you strum the notes through. Overall, these three additions are great ones that make the game more playable and more enjoyable. I will say for the accent notes that it doesn’t really count if you play it louder than the rest of the notes, which is a bit of a bummer, but I guess it would be kind of difficult to show the user.

One thing they did change is recognizing mute notes. Back in the original, if you didn’t palm mute your messages, it would still count. I found this is no longer the case, which is good. I like it when the game punishes me for doing things wrong cause it forces me to get better. They also changed how Bends work as well. Initially, you could bend the note as little or as much as you want, and it would still be recognized. Now they added half-step bends, full-step bends, and so on. You can tell how much to bend it by the little arrows. They also changed how the bend is shaped, so you know when to release and hold the note. This took me a little while to learn because I was just so used to overbending everything thanks to the original game. I would be lying to say I got the hang of it, but at least I can score some points on Killer Queen by Queen.

The Scoring system in the first game has now been reworked into a score attack mode. You have to maintain a high enough score in the section to win. If you don’t and you get three x’s, then you are out. For the main game, you work off of percentage. Depending on how many notes you hit and your difficulty level of the song, you will get a percentage at the end. You want to try and get a hundred percent, which means you mastered the song. Speaking of Master, the master mode is now based on the song section rather than a mode you unlock at the end. Meaning you can be playing a song and seeing notes for one section and then have the notes disappear in the next. This is another change I love since it slowly trains you to learn sections of a song rather than just throwing you into the deep end like the first game.

The lessons are also improved in this game as well. With more lessons and more parts to each lesson, I feel like I can actually master a skill. The video quality is also much better in the lessons, although that is expected to increase in time. I would have liked for there to be more practice tracks for each lesson. Maybe have a beginner, medium, and hard practice track for each one of these. You know, for the fretting lesson, it’s all on one string. Maybe have two more practice tracks that will have you fretting up and down different strings as well. Of course, the practice is never a bad thing, so I would like for that to be added. They have practice tracks for sale, but if I’m going to be buying a song, it wouldn’t be a practice track. That should have been a free DLC. I got to save up my money for that Nickelback pack.

The Minigames in the Guitarcade have also been improved as well. They are much more complex and actually feel like small arcade games now. Best of all, the bending game is gone! No more Dumb Baseball game. It has been changed to one that has you bend branches for an archeologist to crawl up and down on. Some useless ones like the whale game that is supposed to reach your sound volume, but some like string skip saloon is just arcade fun. I wish there were more of them, and they could use a bit better design, such as giving you the ability to restart after a mistake. However, they are fun little distractions as you practice and get better.

Now let’s get to the most crucial part of the game, the setlist. The songs in the game are pretty great. There are sixty-six songs in the game. Almost ten more than what was in the original game. They cover pretty much every subgenre in rock. You get the calm and smooth Stay in by Jaws, and you get the hard-rocking Cemetery gates by Pantera. They also range in complexity from the constant double-stop of Blitzgreek pop by Ramones to the endless tapping of Satch boogie. Here is the full setlist. I’m slowly scrolling on the screen so you can see all the songs. They got queen, nirvana, kiss… they got everybody. If that isn’t enough, they got DLC for days, which you can purchase. They kept that going for seven years, which is super impressive. You can import almost every song from the first game into the second, including the DLC. Best of all, new techniques such as finger mutes are added. Overall, no matter your style, you can find a song in the game you want to play. If not officially, then you can head over to the custom forge and get what they don’t have as DLC for free. Not endorsing it since it could be used illegally depending on whatever country you are from but just saying it’s possible.

Now it’s time for my favorite segment in these video game reviews, what I want in a sequel. I know that they are working on a new Rocksmith 2021 or whatever, so I need to get this one major complaint out of the way. Where the hell is the journey mode. I loved that in the original game as it forced me to repeat a song until I could beat it. I know now they have a loose set of challenges, but I like the structure of a journey mode. Maybe have it come with a story about a teenager becoming a Rockstar just to keep things interesting. I don’t know it is so much you can do with it, but instead, they just remove it. I mean, you know you can have both a journey mode and challenge mode as well, right? I would also want more guitarcade games in the collection. Why not have them include other Ubisoft characters. You can replace the jungle guy with Rayman or have the scale racers happen in Trackmania. Throw Prince of Persia somewhere in the game. Common, you got this rich history and tons of characters. Use them. Make the nerds go wild.

Overall, I had a fantastic time with this game. I went from this in the beginning… to this at the end. I definitely felt I have improved and got comfortable with chords and other techniques. I won’t stop as there are other sites and apps I will try, but this gave me a great head start to being a guitar god. That’s right, Stevie T, I am coming for your youtube thrown. I can play angela

[Play angela]

So, guys, thank you so much for watching this video on Rocksmith 2014 Remastered on Guitar. I have sixty more days with bass before I am done. Here is my sheet for the game. I recommend you download it for yourself and give it a try too. If you like this video, please thumbs up, share, and subscribe to the YouTube channel. You can expect a new video every single week on things such as self-development, product tries, and Fitness Game Reviews. If enough of you subscribe, I can enable ads and get that 4k 60fps camera. Imagine if I did the cold showers with that beast. You could see every bit of this body. If you have any suggestions on videos you would like to see, then please leave a comment. I try and make sure to make any request posted as I love trying new and exciting things. Follow me on Twitter @TrueJackJenk. I post when the videos come out, and that’s pretty much it. Lastly, have a fantastic day, everyone.

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