Fitness Games Reviews Ring Fit Adventure

I Finally Finished Playing Ring Fit Adventure (Round 11) – My Final Thoughts on the Game – FGR


I honestly can’t believe it. After almost two years of playing Ring Fit Adventure, I have finally completed it. Eleven rounds, for around thirty days, each round totaling seventy-four hours of playtime. It was an amazing feat of endurance, both physically and mentally, as the game dragged on, but it was finished. This will be the last video I will ever do on Ring Fit Adventure. Let’s wrap up my thoughts on the game as well as how it affected my life after the intro:

[Jack Jenkins]

Right off the bat, I will say that Ring Fit Adventure is one of my favorite fitness games. Hell, I would even consider it one of my top ten games of all time. What this game accomplishes as far as motivating me personally to exercise is nothing short of staggering. It continued to draw me back with its funny characters, amazing visuals, and energizing soundtrack. While I did start to get bored toward the end with the non-stop repeating levels and repetitive enemy types, it never got to the point where I wanted to give up. I am not alone in feeling motivated, as the Ring Fit Adventure Reddit is full of people just like me enjoying the game. Head on over there for some truly inspiring before and after pictures. If you are thinking about purchasing this game, then stop this video right now, go to the store, and pick up a copy of Ring Fit Adventure. I promise you that the results will be worth it. I know it has been for me.  

Regarding my progress report, I completed all sixty-nine worlds and finished every mission in those worlds. I know… the number sixty-nine is hilarious. I purchased every single costume and uniform in the shop, completing the collection and earning that gold star. I have found Almost every smoothie except for a few recipes missing in what I assume are the earlier levels. Every exercise was unlocked, and all ingredients were found. I almost completed a hundred percent of the game and will not return to find these last few items. I am officially done with this game and need to start playing some other ones.

My playtime for this round was just short of thirty days. I finished the final few levels left on day twenty-three, with me beating dragaux for the last time a few days earlier. Here is my sheet of the dates and how many calories I burned in each one. By the end of that twenty-third day, I made it to level four hundred and twenty-nine. To reference the movie “The Wolf of Wallstreet” that really pissed me off since I was nine too high from four twenty.

My end-of-the-game statistics are pretty crazy. I played the game for a total of seventy-four hours and twenty-six minutes. In that time, I have burned a total of thirty-four thousand, one hundred and thirty-nine point six calories. That is almost ten pounds of pure calories burned in my body. My apple watch usually says more after each session due to my heart rate and higher weight, so the total calories burned are probably higher. From playing the game, I have run one-hundred forty-six point three miles or two-hundred and thirty-five kilometers. That is almost the distance between New York City to Baltimore. It is just absolute insanity seeing all the statistics calculated in the end.

I am going to get a little sentimental because this game is really what started me wanting to do this type of YouTube series as one of my favorite hobbies. To understand my history on Youtube, I used to have a failed YouTube channel called “Academy of One.” The purpose of the Academy of One is to teach educational topics such as programming and mathematics at a college level. What inspired me to complete this was the YouTube channel “The New Boston” for those who remember him. The issue with the concept was that I wasn’t an actual programmer. I was still at the beginning of school, so I gave bad advice.

After that left me, I was aimless in my hobbies and life in general. I ended up dropping out of college and working many dead-end jobs. I have met my now Wife, and I started to improve. I was doing my self-improvement system “30 days” and decided to film that for content as a side gig on my YouTube channel. However, it wasn’t until this game, Ring Fit Adventure, that I had my vision.

My vision was to have this YouTube channel become like a window to see what self-improvement is like and the turbulence of weight loss. I feel like YouTube is so full of these muscular men who do these fitness challenges, and it’s just inspiring. It is amazing seeing what the human body can do. After a while, I started feeling defeated as I could never accomplish any of these feats. That’s when I thought about doing Ring Fit Adventure and starting a series on playing video games to lose weight. Eventually, that led me to do other fitness challenges. Now, I want this channel to be a window on self-improvement in life in general. I feel adding myself to the mix can help illustrate that everyone can do this. That anyone, everywhere, can improve their life.

I was an aimless college dropout who was fatter than I am now, living at home and single. Now I have improved myself so much that I have a wife, a college degree, an amazing job, and a townhouse. Through the years, I hope to motivate some people to get out of the rut that I was once in by filming myself to continue to develop and grow through life. I have all this motivation and ideas on where I want to take this channel, and it all started thanks to this game. Honestly, I don’t know where life will take me. Still, I hope to continue developing skills, getting healthier, and becoming happier. I hope you all will watch and come along for the ride.

I apologize for the ramblings; I wanted this to be a sendoff of how this game affected my life. I am truly thankful for it kickstarting my motivation to lose weight and this YouTube channel. Despite not losing weight, my muscle mass has increased, and I feel healthier than ever, thanks to this game. I will stress again that if you haven’t played it, then go do so. It could be the kick-off to building a healthier you.

So guys, thank you for watching this video on Ring Fit Adventure. There will be many more fitness games coming up. I still have the Wii Fit series, the rest of Just Dance, and so many more games to cover. I also do other self-improvement challenges videos such as learning Music, arts, and other helpful skills. I will also try and do a video on the realms of self-improvement and how I want to cover them with these types of series to become a well-rounded person. If all this sounds interesting, then please subscribe to my YouTube Channel. There will be a new video out every single Friday. Follow me on Twitter and Instagram @truejackjenk. I post when the video comes out, and that’s pretty much it. Trying to get myself a little more in the social media realm so stick out for that. Visit my website at for tips and tricks on self-improvement. Lastly, have an amazing day.