
I Do the Art of Manliness 30 Days Challenge

Here is the link to the Art of Manliness 30 Days Challenge

Here is the sheet you can print out to follow along


What’s going on, everybody! My name is Jack Jenkins, and welcome to my YouTube Channel. I try to do a self-development system I created called the thirty-days three to four times every single year. If you go through my channel, I am sure you can see past videos of me doing the thirty days challenge. Well, I came up with this system after doing the Art of Manliness 30 days to become a better man challenge back when I was in high school. Today I take on this challenge after seven or so years. I’m going where it all started, baby.

For those who don’t know, the Art of manliness is a website dedicated to bringing manly lessons from the 1950s to the present day—teaching men to do things such as how-to deadlift and how to survive a shark attack. That’s a lesson everybody in rural Illinois needs to learn. Personally, I really like the website as a way to capture that nostalgic idea of manhood and apply it to the 21st century without all the racism and sexism of the time. It creates a delicate balance that I think can and should be applied to the men of today.

One of the more popular sets of articles on the site is a series of challenges you’re supposed to do every single day for the next thirty days. From learning a manual skill to creating a debt reduction plan, you will do something every single day to make yourself a better man. As I stated before, I completed this challenge first in high school and expanded the idea to become my thirty-day challenge or Lick challenge series. However, I haven’t done the original challenge since then… until now. I decided to take on the challenges and revisit the original series. If you wanted to follow along, below is the link to the challenge, and I will put in a word document of the outline as well. As a side note, I completed the original run of the series back in March of 2020. I didn’t have the time to complete and edit it due to the increased workload of the pandemic. Also, I won’t be showing all the days since some of them were personal and due we have a time limit. Now let’s get started!

For day one, I defined my core values as a man. I chose simple phrases such as try your hardest, never cheat, and be kind. Day one was pretty simple. Day two, however, was a good one. For day two, you have to shine your shoes and man did they need a shine. Here is a picture before. And here is a picture after. Don’t they look amazing? Here’s a picture side by side to just show the difference. They look like a million bucks now. I actually received a compliment at work, so you know the difference was noticeable. I had these shoes for about four years without ever shining them, so they needed it. I did so with this shoe polish kit from Kiwi. Amazon affiliated link down below.

For Day 6, I redid my resume using this awesome Template I found online. Initially, I used a pretty crappy word template for my resume. Now I’m riding high with this excellent outline for Adobe Illustrator. I had to blur it for anonymity sakes. For day 9, I took my girlfriend on a date to this restaurant down in Arizona, where I was on vacation. It’s called Churoholic, and it was terrific. You get this giant bowl of ice cream and this massive piece of churro covered in chocolate. It was delicious. If you guys live near a Churoholic and you never been, then stopping this video and run out to them.

For Day ten, I had to memorize If.

[Day 10 Clip]

The challenge for Day 12 was to create a bucket list. Since I already had a bucket list, I decided to just add these then items to it. I believe that this is all stuff I can do within my lifetime, such as become a millionaire by 40, Lose 100 pounds, and buy a home. The dream of every millennial probably won’t happen.

[Day 13 Clip]

[Day 15 Clip]

For Days 19, 20, and 30, I wasn’t able to do. It was around this time when COVID started to become more serious, and the state of Illinois went into lockdown. I decided that a global pandemic is probably a good excuse to miss out on a few of these challenges.

[Day 23 Clip]

The challenge for day 24 was to play. I haven’t played a game in a long time, so I decided to play Kingdom Rush. This is a game I used to play al the time in Highschool computer programming class, and I was happy to revisit it. It’s a great tower defense game you can play online for free, or you can buy on steam. The real question, though, is when is it coming on switch? Put it on this platform so I can play on the go!

[Day 27 clip]

[Day 29 Clip]

So that was it for the thirty-day challenge. Overall it was a great time, and I had a blast doing it. The challenges were fun, and it even gave me a few ideas to do for the 30 days challenges. It was kind of nostalgic for me to repeat these after doing so in high school, and it reminded me why I like doing the 30 days system so much. It provided a challenge in my life at a time when I felt aimless and stuck. Doing so again during this pandemic brought back the same feeling. It also helped reinvigorated my interest in continuing to challenge myself during these trying times. I recommend everybody who feels the same way I do to take it upon themselves to complete this. Here is my overall chart of the challenge. It will go away in three, two, one. Again, you can download and print this out if you want to follow along and create your own video on this.

So guys, thank you so much for watching this video series on the Art of Manliness 30 days to become a better man challenge. If you like this video, then please thumbs up, share and subscribe to the youtube channel. You can expect a new video every single week now that I am back into the rhythm of things. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook whenever I have the time to create those. Lastly, have a fantastic day, everyone.

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