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I Do Cold Showers for 30 Days (HORRIBLE EXPERIENCE!)


It seems that every single article on self-improvement has a mention on the importance of Cold Showers. Are cold showers just a fad in the self-improvement world, or do they actually make you feel better about yourself? The answer, according to my experience, is that there a fad. However, I didn’t record my self in the shower for nothing. Now let’s kick some Ice and go through thirty days of cold showers. Tonight’s Forecast, a freeze is coming. I promise I will stop with the Mr. freeze quotes.

For most of human history, we did cold showers to build grit and strength. The ancient Romans did cold showers, and the Ancient Greeks did cold baths even though they had heating systems for warm baths. They believed that the cold water had terrific benefits, including mental and physical strength. They were on to something as studies are touting the benefits. The study linked here ( showed that there was a twenty-nine reduction in sick days taken for participants who did a hot to a cold shower. This is self-reported, but it seems that it’s something that people like. Well, I’m putting it to the challenge and taking thirty days of cold showers. Let’s go.

As a forward, I want to say that I originally filmed this back in May and June of this year. The video was delayed a bit due to my increased workload of the coronavirus. Also, yes, you will see my body. I know most of the YouTube videos have these muscular hunks such as Matt D’Avella, which you should subscribe to his channel is fantastic, so I figured why not add some of that body diversity to the mix.

[Day 1 Clip]

[Day 7 clip]

The shower scene that you see on screen is recorded with a camera I got on Amazon for about fifty bucks. Can get it bellow. The only issue with it is that the audio sounds like this… So instead, I will be talking about my experience. I got the camera around day twelve, so at this point, I was in an unhappy rhythm with the cold shower. You All my showers at this point we’re pretty much a warm to cold transition. Usually, I take scalding showers, and that resulted in the camera getting all fogged up. By transitioning to a warm shower, I immediately noticed a great result in my skin. Overall, it was way less dry than usual after I was done with the shower. This benefit is the reason why I still take warm showers to this day. As far as the cold is concerned. I hate it. I am not a fan of the cold at all and wasn’t a fan of this. I tried going colder and colder each day, but that just led me to be more and more miserable. Eventually, around day twenty-five, I was beginning to get used to it, but at that time, it was almost over, so what’s the point. I wanted to say that this is all my own opinion. There is research that suggests that they may be useful for you, but as far as my opinion is concerned, I am not a fan one bit.

[Day 12 Clip]

[Day 27 Clip]

During the thirty days of doing these cold showers, one thing I did notice is that my time in the showers was a lot shorter. I usually take maybe fifteen to twenty-minute showers every day. This got shortened to around ten to thirteen minutes. These are for the days I shampoo/condition my hair and wash my body, which I do three times a week. The other four days are usually around five minutes just to rinse off my sweat before bedtime. Usually, I try to linger around in there and relax but not during these times. I wanted to shut it off and get right out of there, so I didn’t have to stay another second in the cold.

I really don’t have much to say other than I’m not too fond of cold showers. So to pad out this video, I will go through my usual shower routine. For shampoo, I use Head and shoulders extra strength. I have eczema, and I tried tons of different shampoos. This one seemed to work the best for me, and I have had no issue with Dandruff since switching to this. I also use heads and shoulder conditioner as my hair gets too dry from that shampoo. As for facial wash, I have a ton of leftover Tiege Hanley that I am going through. I think it’s an excellent product, but I use First Aid beauty face moisturizer instead as the AM Tiege lotion made me break out. As far as beard shampoo and body wash, I just pick up whatever is on sale. I haven’t noticed a big difference as far as brands Meijer carry, so I switch to whichever is cheapest. The big life changer for washing, though, is actually the Axe shower tool. It’s much rougher than the Dove one for the same price, and it gets the job done. Much better than using a Washcloth.

[Day 30]

That was my journey of cold showers for thirty days. I can say that I did this a few months ago, and I still take warmly to colder showers than I did before the challenge. Will I ever do a cold shower again. Probably when it comes up in another challenge video, but if I can do them for thirty days in a row, I can do them for a day.

So guys, thank you so much for watching this video on doing cold showers for thirty days. I recommend all of you take up the challenge and do thirty days of cold showers as well. If you like this video, then please thumbs up, share and subscribe to the YouTube channel. You can expect a new video every single week now that I am back into the rhythm of things. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook whenever I have the time to create those. I still don’t have an account created. Lastly, have a fantastic day, everyone.

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