30 Days Challenge

I Do 100 Bicep Curls Every Day for 30 Days Get My Fat Arms Big (Will There even be results????)


What’s going on, everybody! My name is Jack Jenkins, and welcome to my YouTube Channel! Today I am going to get my arms as big as they can get by doing one hundred bicep curls for thirty days. These puppies are about to get shredded!


Let’s get started with the basic rules I am going to follow for this challenge. First, I will do one hundred bicep curls for each arm every single day for the next thirty days. Secondly, I will try and do full up and down curls instead of little bitty halfway curls. Third, I will start off with ten pounds on the dumbbell and will slowly increase that each and every day when I am not tired, that is. Lastly, I will continue to drink protein shakes every day as I need it getting this puppy all strong. I will film myself doing it every few days so you can see my progress. Yes, that is me doing them know as the blurred-out background. Let’s get started with my measurements!

[Day 1 Check-in]

So that is starting off with forty-three on the left and forty-four on the right. The average Bicep flexed is around thirty-three centimeters. Of course, I am obese, so a lot of that is fat. The goal is to replace some of these fatty arms with some muscle over the next thirty days. I will still try and continue doing the Fitness game reviews and other challenges, so I hope to lose some weight. I always loved doing this as it was an excuse for me to get off of my computer chair and do some curls.

[Show some footage of me doing bicep curls]

While I continue to do these curls on camera, I wanted to discuss why this was the first exercise I picked. The reason is that we men are fascinated with biceps. While most surveys found that women focus on a guy’s legs, other guys look at the Bicep as the measure of fitness. I think it’s because the biceps are the only muscles you don’t really use that much in life. If you drop something on the ground, you have to bend over using your legs and back to pick it up. When you play basketball or soccer or, in my case, ping pong cause my friends have a ping pong table, you tend to use your shoulders and your legs to move around. The Bicep is really one of the few muscles you need weights to fully concentrate on working out. In that way, it’s the measure of if a man works out in the gym or not. At least that’s my theory. The real reason probably just causes a guy with big guns can kill my ass.

[Sow Some footage of me doing bicep curls]

And now what everyone has been waiting for—the final results.

[Final Bicep Results]

And so, we can compare, let’s do day one together with the last day.

In the beginning, my left arm was forty-three centimeters, and my right arm was forty-four centimeters. After thirty days of focusing on my biceps, the results are the same. However, my arms are much harder and stronger than they were in the beginning. The pictures, while slight, show that the arms are overall more toned over the thirty days. This challenge was super hard and hurt like hell. I know that it would be more beneficial if I took a rest day between each set of curls, but then you guys wouldn’t be watching that would you? Overall, though, I am super proud of the results, and to this day, I pick up my dumbbells and whip out some curls for fun.

Thank you so much for watching this video on 100 Bicep curls every day for thirty days. Here is my sheet for this challenge. I recommend all of you go print it out from the description below and give it a try yourself. If you guys have any suggestions on anything you want me to try, then shoot a comment in the comments below.  I will do pretty much any challenge or advice provided. If you guys want, you can follow me on Twitter @truejackjenk. I post about the videos that are coming out, and… that’s it. That’s really all I do on the site. Like this video on YouTube and subscribe to the YouTube channel. I post a new video every single. Lastly, have a fantastic day, everyone. All you people are just incredibly amazing.