Fitness Product Review

Grip Strength for 30 Days (GREAT RESULTS)


Ask your female friends or read a survey online on what women like physically on a man. Again and a gain you will see the forearms. This months challenge was to make the ladies chase me by making these puppies gigantic. What’s going on everybody my name is Jack Jenkins and welcome to my channel. I like to do self-improvement challenges and todays challenge is to improve my forearm strength every day for thirty days. As a side note, the footage from the challenge originally occurred back in April. I haven’t had a chance to record this due to work related COVID fun. The challenge is simple. Do a hundred squeezes of a hand grip every single day for thirty days. After the thirty days is over I will wait a few days and complete the final results. Those last few days of rest are very important for the muscle to relax and grow. Now that we have the rules let’s move onto the equipment. There are a ton of grip strength devices out there but I found this one by Mummy fit to be the best as I can adjust the force needed. Also, to keep track of my strength I will be using a hand dynamometer. You basically need to enter your age and sex and adjust the length. Once you create your profile you just pull as hard as you can and you will get your readout. I will put the word document as well as amazon affiliated links in the description. I recommend all of you give this challenge a try so you to can be a forearm master. Now to the challenge videos: So that was the results. Over the thirty days my forearm strength increased around ten points pounds per arm. Doing this every day for thirty days resulted in my forearms getting worse and worse for each test but when they had the time to heal for the final result the strength pulled out much further ahead. It seems that working your forearms every other day is the best way to increase their overall strength however this challenge is a fun way to get started if you have never worked out your grip strength before. Again, I highly recommend trying out this challenge, If you do go ahead and tweet at me. Thank you so much for watching this video. Please like the video if you enjoyed it. Also you can subscribe to the YouTube channel. I release a new video every week on challenges such as these as well as general self-improvement tests. If you have any ideas for challenges leave a comment below and I will make sure to try and incorporate it into our schedule. Have a great reset of the day everyone.