Fitness Games Reviews

Fitness Circuit Burns Calories Like No Other Game (Nintendo Switch Review)


Circuit Training is a type of workout that requires cycling through moderate-intensity exercises with only a little of a break inbetween sets. The Circuit Training style of working out is excellent for those who need a quick sweat in between the crazieness of daily life. It’s like the new generation’s version of HIIT or High Intensity Interval Trainning. The idea of circuit training translates perfectly to a mini-game-type of video game. That is what the developer at Spike-Chunsoft saw when developing Fitness Circuit for the Nintnedo Switch. Fitness Circuit a stylish and fun game that I absolutely adore and caused be to be burning some calories.


As always you can skip around in the chapters below. First, lets get into the game. Fitness Circuit is a 2022 video game for the Nintendo Switch. Yes, it came out a while ago and yes I am reviewing it a year later. I am nothing but late to the party when it comes to my reviews! The game offers forty-five different exercises ranging from Lunges to Upright rows. There is even an exercise that has you beating up cars a la Super Street Fighter 2. All these exercises come packaged with these amazing graphics that reminds me of the TV show Code Lyoko with the virtual world. Now that’s a throwback millennial classic.

First when booting up the game, you will need to enter your gender, weight, and age. The game uses this data to calculate estimated calories burned during the workouts. I used my Apple Watch when calculating the calories and overall what the game said I burned was lower than what the Watch says I burned. Just keep that in mind that the calorie counter may or may not be accurate to what you truly did burn.

After entering in your information for calorie calculation, you will pick your personal trainer. The game comes with six of them with three being guys and three being girls. You can customize these trainers by coloring their hair and eyes and changing outfits. All of these trainers have unique voices but not really any distinct personality. It would help make the game more exciting if they embodied different personalities more like the Fitness Boxing series.

With everything set up you will start your fitness journey. The main focus of the game is the daily circuit. Each day a new assortment of exercises will appear and you will rotate through different exercises throughout one to three rounds, depending on what you choose. After each exercise, you will be graded based on your performance. The grade will correspond to how many points you get, filling up your level meter. As the meter fills up, you unlock new workouts, ranks, and stylish clothing options for your trainer. This process is all contained within the daily circuit, which picks the workouts for you. During my thirty days of playing, I did exclusively the daily circuit to unlock all the outfits for my girls. The level system goes up to Three hundred. I got to about level fourty in my days of playing so you can expect a full years worth of content if looking to complete the series.

The gameplay in Fitness Circuit is very simple. You must follow along with the avatar on the top of the screen to complete the exercise at the right time. The controller movement correlates to the meters by the character. You want to hit the entire meter every exercise to get that perfect score. The exercises in the game range from being based on how fast the exercises are to a set number of reps. Honestly, I wish there was an option to have it hardcoded as reps, and then the game allows you to set the number of reps. You cannot change how many of a particular exercise you want to do. As far as I could try, there wasn’t a way to swap out an exercise if you didn’t like it. I wish for more customizability within the circuit training because all you can do is change how many rounds you will be doing.

That brings me to my big issue with this game: the controls. For some exercises, such as the step-and-touch [Encode_1080P_96], I have a problem for the game registering my movements. I would do it right, but the game wouldn’t register correctly. I would then cheat the game by rotating my armless, and it would register right. I think I am a rather big guy with long arms, and the game just didn’t calculate the parameters for someone like me. We taller people have some struggles. That issue was extrapolated to other exercises where it was expected to read a full arm movement. The game works great with smaller pulse movements, so I think that may be the issue.

Another wish I have for Fitness Circuit 2 is a story mode. I love the virtualized world they made with these cool characters and very pretty backgrounds. It would be so much better if there was some plot with these guys. Maybe it’s a group of friends trapped inside a computer after skipping gym class. Now, the computer must train them in the importance of physical education. I don’t know. Something dumb like that would be an excellent inclusion. I can see the anime based on this plot coming together. I absolutely adore the style and music of this game. More would be an amazing inclusion.

I played Fitness Circuit for thirty days based on my usual schedule of having Sundays off. Meaning I played for a total of twenty-six days. Here is my Excel data of my playing over these days. Using this, we can get some interesting data. For context, I am a two hundred-and-ninety-three-pound man aged twenty-nine while I was doing the video. Over the thirty days, I burned four-thousand ninety calories. Twenty-six workouts give me an average calorie per workout of one-hundred seventy-six. The total time working out was seven hours and forty-five minutes. That gives me an average workout time of seventeen minutes and fifty-four seconds. Distilled down, we get an average burn rate of ten calories per minute. That is much higher than I expected, although with this app, I didn’t do a cooldown, and there wasn’t any break, so no time was wasted burning these calories.

Overall, I would highly recommend purchasing Fitness Circuit for your workout needs. While playing, I wasn’t even close to unlocking all the workouts and outfits so you get your money worth for only fifty bucks. As usual with these types of games they come down regurally to half off so I would wait for a sale. You can definitely get your money’s worth by playing this game. The only thought that crossed my mind while playing this was, “I want more.” Hopefully, the developers will answer my wishes with a Fitness Circuit 2 on the Nintendo Switch 2 whenever that thing comes out.

So, guys, that’s it for today’s review of the fitness circuit. If you liked this video, please give me a big thumbs up. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel as I put out a brand new video almost every single week. I am trying to get to a thousand subscribers within the next year. If you guys have any challenges or video content you want me to do, please comment below. I will do anything within the realm of self-improvement, which includes trying to lose weight and more. Visit my website at Follow me on X and Instagram @truejackjenk. Lastly, have a fantastic day, everyone. All you guys watching are just so incredibly amazing. Are you wondering how to improve your life? Well, we can improve… together!