Fitness Games Reviews

Dance Dance Revolution Mario Mix


There is one company that makes the best Fitness Video games, and that company is Nintendo. From the Revolutionary Wii Fit to the sold-out everywhere, Ring Fit Nintendo is the fitness game king. Today we are going to look at when the kings of Fitness worked with the king of dancing… DDR Mario Mix. Hello Everyone, my name is Jack Jenkins, and welcome to my YouTube channel. I do a series called Cheap fitness games, where I go through older fitness video games to see if I can lose weight. The rules for this are pretty simple. I have to play the game Every day for at least thirty minutes a day. Two, if I miss a day then I can play it for an hour total and three, I have to try out every feature I can within that time period. I started filming this series back in March and haven’t had time to upload it due to COVID. However, let’s get started.


One company makes the best Fitness Video games, and that company is Nintendo. Ring Fit plus Nintendo is the king of fitness games, from the Revolutionary Wii Fit to the sold-out everywhere. Today we are going to look at when the kings of Fitness worked with the king of dancing… DDR Mario Mix.

Hello Everyone, my name is Jack Jenkins, and welcome to my youtube channel. I do a series called Cheap fitness games, where I go through older fitness video games to see if I can lose weight. The rules to this are pretty simple. I have to play the game Every day for at least thirty minutes a day. Two, if I miss a day, then I can play it for an hour total, and three, I have to try out every feature I can within that time period.

I started filming this series back in March and haven’t had time to upload it due to COVID. However, let’s get started.


Dance Dance Revolution: Mario Mix or Dancing Stage Mario Mix, if you live in Europe, is a collaboration effort between Konomi and Hudson Soft using the famous plumber. It was released originally for the Nintendo Gamecube in 2005 and followed the basic DDR formula. You get a dance pad that you get to step all over. The actual dance pad is pretty nice with a pretty cool Mario-themed design. I got this at the release date back when I was in Middle School, and it still works fifteen years later with zero problems.

The game itself is pretty standard for a DDR game, but with some twists, we can pick and play the songs individually, and we have the ability to add a profile to track how many calories we burned. I love this feature as we can see from the ending here that you can burn a pretty good amount of calories. The big twist in this game is the story mode and Mini games. I’ll talk about those in just a little bit. Let’s talk about the most important part of DDR, the songs.

Dance Dance Resolution games tended to have a healthy mix of incredible original music and licensed tracks depending on the game. DDR Mario Mix set list is almost all Nintendo remixes with some other Public domain music thrown in. The song list is awesome, covering games such as Mario Bros Wario World to Donkey Kong. My favorite track is “where’s the exit?” And “Cabin Fever”. The big negative to the music in this game is that it is small. We could easily double the song list. There are only twenty-eight songs in the game. DDR Extreme 2 had 74, and that includes licensed songs. That short song list meant I had to repeat the same songs constantly throughout my thirty days of playing.

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