Flexibility Youtuber Product Reviews

Anna McNulty Teaches An Obese Man on How to Do the Splits in 90 Days (Through Following Her Videos)


Popular YouTuber Anna McNulty has videos ranging from daily challenges, talking about cheerleading, and walking through daily routines. You know, the typical YouTuber stuff. But what interested me is that she also has a second channel dedicated to stretching routines. These routines are dedicated to increasing your flexibility so that anybody can learn how to do the splits. Eventually, becoming as flexible as her, I will be the cheer captain now. Let’s take that concept and have me, a nearly three-hundred pound or thirty-six kilogram, a nearly thirty-year-old man, do it. I put it to the test when I try to do the splits following her Stretch videos for ninety days. Get ready to hurt your groins, guys.

[Jack Intro]

Before we get into the video, originally, I wanted to do a sixty-day challenge. Still, my legs were so damn tight that it took a while to loosen up. Hence, why I upped it to ninety days. My thick thighs thank that decision. My incredible lack of flexibility is due in part to my ten hours a day work-at-home routine. As a Developer, I am restrained to sitting or standing throughout the workday. After a hard day of work, the last thing I want to do is go to the gym, so my ass moves to the coach until bedtime. It’s why I started this channel… to help encourage me to lose weight. However, that general lack of movement for the past ten years has led to the beautiful beach body you see on its green screen. That background should help set the stage for the improvement you are about to see before you. I also hope to relate to the forty-one percent of Americans who are obese so that If I can do it, anyone can. First, here is me doing a split before the stretch routines.

[Day 1 Split Measure]

In the beginning, I could go down to Twenty-two inches or fifty-five centimeters off the ground. Rewatch that video and see that I was holding on to that chair for dear life. I’m about to rip my sack in half. That is incredibly depressing but not surprising due to my lifestyle above. I assume if you are also obese and work a desk job, your results will be around the same. That sadness in my results is why I must follow along with Anna McNulty so she can teach me the ways of not hurting while walking.

I put her YouTube videos on the TV, which you can see in the background footage, and got to stretching. My goal was to do at least all her stretch videos on both channels at least once. That included the non-splits one as well. My back is also killing me, so I also enjoyed doing these videos. I just needed all the stretching at this point. So, while not all ninety days were spent doing the splits, most were.

Now onto the roast of Ms. McNulty herself. Before I started this challenge, I had never watched her videos. I found them through a random Reddit thread and thought it would be a fun challenge. Honestly, at first, I thought she sucked. While the stretching was good, I felt she was more focused on showing off her abilities rather than walking through the steps. A part of that was jealousy, to be honest. However, the other part of that was frustration, as the focus was not on the stretches we were doing but on the Youtuber’s ego. However, that issue was resolved once I finished the videos on her original channel. The new channel, Anna McNulty Stretches, has far better demonstrations of the exercises, better editing, and, in my opinion, music choices. It shows the vast improvement time can have in one’s YouTube career, and it’s fascinating to watch. I wonder if my Shitty videos will look any better than ever… Just standing in this greenscreen… cold and alone…

I wish more videos were put on this channel since it looks like it’s getting a once or twice-a-month treatment. I get the videos aren’t as high as her main channel content, but none of those videos are interesting. It’s just… hey, look how flexible this person is over and over again. I just don’t care for it at all. I get an almost thirty-year-old man isn’t the main customer her but… common Anna. Stop it with these ones and put some more videos on it. Give me a forty-minute stretching video for a fat man or something. Not judging the hustle, by the way, since the views on the slice-of-life stuff are clearly higher.

As her videos have gotten better over time, so has my stretching. I am sure you can see that in the B-roll captured behind me. I recorded every two weeks, and I got a bit better every two weeks. By the time the original sixty days were up, I still wasn’t where I wanted to be. I mean, I’ve seen all these YouTube videos with these Muscular men learning in thirty days… why can’t I do it in sixty? At that moment, I looked it up, and according to an article by metro, it can take months to a year to get to the floor. I figured, why not add an extra thirty days?

And I am glad I did that; with the extra time, I was able to stretch further and further to the floor. My quads were screaming, my hamstrings were yelling, and my calves filed a harassment lawsuit. It was brutal. But after ninety total days of non-stop stretching, I have reached these results:

[Final Split Measurement]

I know what you are thinking! Why are my shorts so high you can see my bulge? Well, I can’t answer that, but I can say that I got eight inches close to the ground. That is an improvement of fourteen inches. That was a ton of hard work to get my body flexible enough to do that. I am personally so proud of myself for doing it. You guys should be proud too. In fact, put a comment below to feed my ego. Besides that, I felt just better walking around and being able to do more. I used to be unable to heel sit, but now I can do it for at least thirty seconds. I didn’t lose any weight with this challenge, but my life improved in many ways.

I want to give Anna McNulty a huge thumbs up because, without her simple, and yes, annoying, at times, videos, I would never be able to accomplish this challenge. I recommend all of you watching to start training to do the splits. It doesn’t have to be through watching her videos or anything like that. Still, just the act of improving your fixability can have so many benefits that I guarantee it is worth the time.

So guys, thank you so much for watching my videos. If you liked this video, then give it a big thumbs up. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel to see more self-improvement videos like this one. I put out a new video every single Friday. If you have any ideas on any challenges you want to see me do or videos, then leave them below. I will do any challenge type that isn’t Illegal or will kill me. Follow me on Twitter and Instagram @truejackjenk. Visit my website at jack-jenkins.com. Lastly, have a fantastic day, everyone. All you guys watching are just so incredibly amazing!