30 Days Challenges Mobile App Review

An iPhone App that MAKES YOU Last Longer in BED??? – Stamena App Review With REAL Results!!!


A study done in twenty eighteen found that lesbian women orgasm almost twenty percent more than straight women. That discrepancy is what is known as the Orgasm gap. A part of that discrepancy may be due to how fast we men shoot our guns. And by shooting our guns I mean Cumming. God this video is going to get demonetized. According to researchers from India, it takes almost fourteen minutes for a woman to orgasm. Men spend an average of five minutes in bed, leaving an eight-minute orgasm gap. All these studies will be linked below so you can read the fun details yourself. My question is… what can us men do to close this gap? It’s not like there is just an app on our phones that can teach us how to last longer in bed. Oh, wait… there is with Stamena – Longer Lasting Sex! Now the question is does this app work in increasing your sex time to which will pleasure the ladies? Only one way to find out. What’s going on, everybody! My name is Jack Jenkins. I do challenges within the realm of self-improvement, and today, I will try to last longer in bed with the Stamena App. I will be doing it every day for thirty days. It’s time to become a better man!


The Stamena Application is focused on two different exercises, the Kegel and the Reverse Kegel. These movements work out the pelvic floor muscles located between the coccyx and the pubic bone. These muscles are prevalent both in men and women and provide different benefits. For both males and females, they help support the bladder, urethra, and anus. They also control how we urinate and blast out huge butt bombs. That is the exact medical term by the way. In women, they help support delivery in childbirth and control the vaginal muscles. However, for us men, it supports the prostate and helps you get and maintain an erection. To please your partner, working out the pelvic floor muscles is important to get that erection stronger than concreate and last longer than the Snyder cut of Justice League.

Now that we know what these muscles do, let’s get back to the exercises. First, the Kegel will contract the muscle as you would to your bicep with a curl. The app tells you how to do this exercise perfectly. The motion of the exercise can be found by trying to stop yourself midstream during urination for just a second… not any longer cause that’s bad. That motion of squeezing is the Kegel exercise. Basically, you need to keep doing it like this… you can’t tell, but I’m squeezing that pelvic floor. BAM BAM BAM! The reverse Kegel, also known as pelvic floor relaxation, is the opposite motion. You are lengthening the muscle like you would stretching out your arm. You know how you will lose flexibility in your arms if you don’t stretch out? Well, the same applies to your pelvic floor. To do this, try to push out some more urine after you use the bathroom. That kind of stretching motion is the reverse Kegel. Both these exercises need to be done in conjunction to strengthen your erection, making you less likely to climax soon. Even outside of the realm of sex, doctors recommend Kegels for urinary incontinence, pregnancy assistance, and much more! So even if you don’t have a penis, you should be doing Kegel exercises.

The Kegel and reverse Kegel are all the moves you need to do in the application. With that knowledge, I set out to start my experiment. Afterwards I will get into the software itself. My goal was to stay longer in bed, so I started a stopwatch and went to business. Before doing the Stamena app, I lasted eight minutes and twenty-three seconds. That’s not including foreplay or anything like that. I should say that usually, my Wife starts off on top, and then I go on top to finish. That falls above the average five minutes but below the fourteen-minute mark. Before I start talking about the app, I will also say that I have never done any Kegel exercises with any regularity before this challenge, so my muscles are definitely weak. I hope to see some significant improvements, which I will discuss later. I will use the Stamena daily for thirty days to see the improvements. I have off every six days so I can live my life without doing all these challenges, so in reality, I will do it twenty-six times in thirty days. I will show my sheet outline at the end of the video filled out.

With our experiment outlined, let’s get to the application. Once you open Stamena up, you can select start workout to begin. Once you do, a circle will appear in the middle filling up with red. That is your timer to hold. Once it goes grey, you get to relax and prepare yourself for the next one. The middle will show how many reps you have left within your set. Each set will be signified based on long, medium, or short, which signifies the time you have to hold each one. Once you get through three sets on the Kegel, you switch to three sets on the reverse Kegel. These sets are visualized by the segmented Circle outside of your timer circle. One cool thing is that the app also vibrates your phone, so there isn’t even a need to look at the display. Above the Circle is the number of sets you have completed. On the bottom right, you have the exercise you are doing, either Kegel or reverse Kegel. On the left is how much time is left in your workout. It’s a very easy system to learn and use daily.

After doing a workout, you will get the point. After a few points, you will level up. Each level will increase your overall time of the workout by making you do more reps or holding longer. I love this leveling system as a gamer as it increases the challenge while making it not too hard. You can decrease the level whenever you want. However, if you want to increase it, you have to enable God Mode on the app, which costs an extra two dollars. The application is three dollars which is a good deal with how well designed it is. I understand it’s just a way to make more money from the application. Still, changing difficulty levels should be something built into the application. Hiding the toggle behind a paywall just doesn’t sit right with me regarding these health applications.

Besides the workout, you can review a more detailed instruction guide on locating the Kegel muscles and adjusting the application settings. You can set up workout notifications and reminders throughout the day reminding you to keep working out. Another cool feature is the point decay system which encourages you to return to the application. It’s a reminder that your muscles decay if you don’t work them out and works as a motivator to keep coming to this application. Overall, the application is incredibly well made, with a great color scheme and simple design. Some additional features I would add are articles on the importance of Kegel exercises and more information on the pelvic floor. Stamena is a simple three-dollar experience that teaches men how to last longer with Kegel exercises. With that price point, I would say it’s a must-purchase. There is a reason it’s in the top hundred free applications. You spend more money on a McDonald’s cheeseburger. The least you can do is purchase something that will improve your sex life.

After around thirty days of Stamena, I was on level eight with twenty-six total points. My workout time increased from level one’s three minutes and sixteen seconds to level eight four minutes and forty-one seconds. I didn’t feel any stronger in that area other than maybe being able to push out more urine and maintaining an erection longer. Also, not sure how to say this, but I was hornier during this time for some reason. I looked online, and it seems to be common on multiple threads. I guess it’s just a good symptom of a workout out in that area. For the big reveal, my sex went from eight minutes and twenty-three seconds to ten and forty-two seconds. I only recorded it once in the beginning or end, so this is nothing like an average increase. However, it still was a good amount. Some of that can be chopped up to doing it more with a higher level of hornieness, but I would give the Kegels some credit.

Overall, my experience was incredibly pleasing with both the app and the results. Stamena has a great design and leveling system that makes it easy for anybody to get started. I would say this is one of the best apps I have used on the iPhone, which is not hyperbolic. If you can’t, then doing Kegels with a timer is better than doing nothing. Your spouse, partner, or casual encounter will thank you and help close the orgasm gap. Who knows, if all you watch is Kegels, we can bring the average from five to six. Another minute on that pogo stick for you ladies.

So guys, thank you so much for watching this video. If you have any challenges, apps, or anything you want me to do, leave them below. I will do pretty much any challenge that isn’t illegal. Also, if you like the work that went to this, subscribe to the YouTube channel. Trying to hit a thousand before the end of the year to unlock that Ad revenue. More money will go to this channel, like this, and all my other videos. Follow me on Twitter @truejackjenk. Lastly, have a fantastic day, everyone. All you who are watching are Kegel masters.