30 Days Challenges Mobile App Review

An App That Will Give You a New Challenge Everyday??? – Daileee App Review for 30 Days


I’ve been doing something called the 30 days method since I was in high school. The 30-day method is something I created as a self-improvement framework and was a way for me to encourage myself to lose weight and become more social. The Basics of the system are, three times a year, I will go through a thirty-day process where I try to learning a new skill, installing a new habit, completing a daily challenge, and killing a bad habit. It all comes down to L.I.C.K, which is a pretty good acronym. I’m taking a break from it this year to give myself time to finish College and, of course, create these videos for my YouTube Channel. However, I am restarting next year and hopefully cracking down on getting the video series started up again. While doing this, I wanted to see if any apps already exist like this? Well, after searching, I found this app called Daileee. Every day will give you a new task to complete to make yourself fitter, smarter, and more social. That’s the app’s tagline, at least. That translates to doing Daileee tasks such as learning the history of your hometown or taking a walk through the woods. Both great things that more people should do.

I thought I would do a daily task from this app and record it, as you can see from the footage behind me. The challenge was to dance along to a song which is why I am shaking that big old belly. After doing a task every single day for thirty days, I will see if this app is worth downloading or if it is better to wait till whenever I have time to make the thirty days app. Spoilers, Daileee is completely free, so that’s where I will be pointing to for now. What’s going on, everybody! My name is Jack Jenkins, and welcome to my YouTube Channel. Today I am reviewing the Daileee App.


Daileee is a free app available in the App store for your iPhone and iPad. It looks to be made by a single guy, Maxence Santi. That’s the developers App Store name… not going to give away the full name in case that doxxes them. The beautiful icon caught my eye and the description of the app sounded great. Best of all, it is free. So, I decided to why not try and amplify the app by making a video on it.

Once you downloaded and open Daileee, it will prompt you to enter your name. Once you do you are off to begin doing the different challenges. That’s right, there is no need to sign up for yet another account or to fill out anything else. It is so nice not to have another account for these reviews. Of course, this is more of a basic application, making it perfect for the limited information required. Once you provide the name, you can choose which challenge you want. The options are Health, Mind, Social, or surprise me, which acts as a random button.

Depending on the category you choose, you have the rest of the day to complete it. If you do, the icon gets added to your badge page, and you get the point to the streak. If the little timer runs out then you have the option for the challenge to go back to the pile or ignore it forever. That acts as a skip option if you if it’s a challenge you don’t want to do. Overall, the main component of the app of clicking an item for a challenge is basic but works great. I do wish there was a real skip option rather than waiting out the entire day but I guess that’s to make you do things you would be uncomfortable with.  

Besides the challenge tab, you have the badges tab, which displays how many challenges you did out of how many are unlockable. The version of the app that I have, version 3.2, has ninety different challenges. That is thirty challenges for each of the categories, which is not bad at all. With my modified schedule, I was able to get twenty-six badges completed. You can look at the badges and that’s really it. I wish you could click on them and it will tell you what the badge is and when you completed the challenge. Right now, you have to just look at them and try and figure it out based on what I wrote in my notes.

The Last section in the app is the profile section. The profile contains your name, streak, and how many times you failed or completed the challenge. The average of these numbers combines down to your willpower. I noticed that the numbers are a bit off because if you don’t accept a challenge as part of the day it counts towards your failed section. It should really only count that if you click on a category first and then missed clicking done. I usually start the app and create the accounts a week or so before actually doing these challenges which is why my numbers were so off. Another issue is that there should really be a reset option here to start the challenges from the beginning. Instead, you have to delete the entire app and redownload it from the app store. It’s only fifteen megabytes so it’s a quick download but it’s still annoying.

As I said previously, it is a very simple app but makes up for it by being completely free. It seems to me that it started off as a college product that the developer then released, and I mean that in a good way. This puppy gets an A- from me. It does what it does and offers a price point worthy of it. All these complaints and stuff I have would really help it become more popular but I understand putting tons of hours into a project that no one is using.

With that walkthrough of the app completed, it’s time for me to talk personally about my experience utilizing it. Over the month, I did twenty-six challenges while exclusively hitting the surprise me button. I wanted it to be completely random each day for an extra surprise. The challenges I completed ranged from not eating any sweets for that day to dancing to a song and reading a book. Here is my sheet, which shows every single challenge I did for those days as well as what category the challenge fell under. Overall, I had a great experience doing these, and most of the challenges only took ten minutes at the most to complete. The challenges themselves where all something that I do or have done in the past for a thirty days video but it was still incredibly enjoyable. I highly recommend everyone watching to download this app and give a shout-out to developer Maxence Sati. It definitely helped me think of ideas on what I want the thirty days app to be.

So, guys, thank you so much for watching this video. If you like it, then please give it a big thumbs up. If you have any other ideas for videos, you want me to do, then please let me know in the comments below. While you are there, you might as well subscribe to the YouTube channel. Follow me on Twitter @truejackjenk. Visit my website at jack-jenkins.com. Lastly, have a fantastic day, everyone! All of you guys watching are just so incredibly amazing!